
Stories for the Spooky Season

At last, October is upon us! With it comes pumpkin-flavored everything, changing leaves, and scary stories. In lieu of decorations this year (and if you’re using lights, be careful with your outlets — fire safety is important), I wanted to celebrate the haunting season by showcasing a few places to scratch that spooky itch.

Tales of our Own

A few offerings from us at TGE, starting off with ambassador Mark’s Lovecraftian serial fiction.

And while I wasn’t able to do it this year, here are a couple of narrations I’ve done in years past to celebrate the season. I hope to do more in the future as they were really fun.

Edgar Allan Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart

H. P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider

Professional Monsters

I’ve spotlighted Chilling Tales media in the past, and this year is no different. CTFDN is hands down my go-to for scary storytelling, with skilled performers acting out horror stories from throughout the internet. Like last time, I want to highlight a few favorites. Light a candle, grab a blanket, and curl up with a ghoul book.

Dead Boats — Beware the water and the fickle tempers of those within its depths.

Birth of the Cruel — Inspired by the Slipknot song off their latest album (which is phenomenal by the way). How long does righteousness stand in the face of the hateful?

I Met Someone Who Claimed to be the Devil — A young woman at the bar tells a creation story heard countless times but as the antagonist. Sympathy for the Devil, indeed.

Diner — A roadside diner plays host to predators and prey.

Full disclosure: As I type this, I’m a contestant in CTFDN’s 2019 Evil Idol voice acting competition. After trying out last year, I was accepted into the first round of performers and part of me still doesn’t believe it. My performance is set to go live near the end of the year, and I’ll be sharing that in as many places as I can, so keep an eye out!

Have fun, stay safe, and happy Halloween!