Community, Conventions

PAX Prime and Dragon*Con 2013!

Hello Everyone!

Con time is upon us! This weekend, Rhonda and I are covering cons on both U.S. coasts. Rhonda will be at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA and I’ll be at PAX Prime in Seattle, WA. It’s pretty exciting times for us both and I wanted to make sure to get you all the details of our presentations so you can come say hi!

DragonCon-logoRhonda’s Dragon*Con Schedule

Title: What’s Your Gamer Type?
Description: Are you a goal driven gamer that collects achievements? Make up back stories for your game characters? A panel with audience participation!
Time: Fri 11:30 am Location: Grand Salon C

Title: Gamer Girls Unite!
Description: A discussion about women in gaming – women gamers, how gaming portrays them, and the recent surge women gamers in the community.
Time: Sat 07:00 pm Location: Grand Salon C – Hilton

Title: Bearing the Torch
Description: How can we reach out and bring gaming to the public? How do we get the next generation involved in gaming? Find out from our expert ambassadors.
Time: Sun 07:00 pm Location: Grand Salon C

I’ve also heard a rumor that Rhonda will be chatting with the Ladies of Leet on Sunday afternoon!

2471010-13paxRegina’s PAX Prime Schedule

Title: What’s Your Gamer Type?

Description: Are you a goal driven gamer that collects trophies or achievement points? Do you make up back stories for your game characters or think about how and why they do what they do? Do you create a version of yourself when you game with avatars that look or act like you do out of game? Come to this interactive panel moderated by Dr. Regina McMenomy, host of the Game on Girl podcast, as she helps you learn more about yourself through your gamer type.

PANELISTS: Regina McMenomy, Ph.D. [Gamer. Writer. Podcaster, Game on Girl], Erik Oberlin [Gamer, Game on Girl], Aaron Meline [Gamer, Game on Girl], Trisha Altenburg [Gamer, Game on Girl]

In addition to my panel, I am going to be walking the con floor on Saturday and Sunday with a video crew (oh ok… with Ryan, our podcast editor and video maverick!) making a gamer at the con video starring YOU! So find me and be a participant in this first ever video community content from Game on Girl!

In light of the cons and the holiday on Monday, our show for next week will be a bit delayed but we promise it will be well worth it! Look for lots of great con coverage next week!

Until next time, get your game on at a con!

Regina & Rhonda

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