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Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Conventions

Episode 78 – PAX Prime & Dragon*Con 2013

  Through our exhaustion, we put together an episode detailing all the fun we had at cons on the same weekend but on opposite sides of the U.S. coast. Rhonda was at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA and I was at PAX Prime in Seattle, WA. Listen to hear all the great games we played, people… Continue reading Episode 78 – PAX Prime & Dragon*Con 2013

Community, Conventions

PAX Prime and Dragon*Con 2013!

Hello Everyone! Con time is upon us! This weekend, Rhonda and I are covering cons on both U.S. coasts. Rhonda will be at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA and I'll be at PAX Prime in Seattle, WA. It's pretty exciting times for us both and I wanted to make sure to get you all the details… Continue reading PAX Prime and Dragon*Con 2013!

Game on Girl Podcast, Game Culture, Conventions, Podcast, Gamers, Play

Episode 27 – Get Your Con On! DragonCon and PAX Prime 2012

This week, Rhonda and I talk about two cons we attended on opposite sides of the country on the same weekend. Rhonda reports on her three favorite panels from DragonCon (one with a very special last minute guest appearance!) and I talk about my top three games I played at PAX Prime. Listen in for… Continue reading Episode 27 – Get Your Con On! DragonCon and PAX Prime 2012