Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Gender

Episode 142 – Sandi Glahn

This week, we are delighted to have Sandi Glahn join us on the show again. We are really enjoying what has become a yearly tradition of talking about gender-related topics with Sandi. She always has great insight and empowering and uplifting messages. This week, we are bouncing around ideas for a potential panel at Geek Girl Con next year. We have some fantastic moments of insight and some great personal stories we share of our experiences growing up.

GiGi+email+Thank+You+Xmas-01If you’re looking for some last minute holiday entertainment for Christmas Eve, remember you can listen to our old time radio play with at 8pm EST, 7pm CST, & 5pm PST. We had a great time and think you will really enjoy it.

This is the last show for 2014 as Game On Girl is taking the next week off. Thank you all for listening, commenting, emailing, and making all the work we do here at Game on Girl worthwhile!

Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda

Now, as in the beginning, I belong to the front. You belong to the tail. When the foot seeks the place of the head, a sacred line is crossed. Know your place. Keep your place. Be a shoe.

-Mason in “Snowpiercer

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