Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Conventions

Episode 94 – 2014 Con Calendar: Register Now!

If you have a geeky interest, there’s a con out there for you.


This week we discuss some of the cons we plan to attend and some we dream of attending. Here are some great web sites for con calendars:

UpComingCons – cons listed by genre

SciFiConventions – search by geographic region and time of year

GeekCalendar – several ways to search for a con

Before Going to a Con

  • Make sure the con has a web site or contact information so you can verify the con
  • Make sure tickets are not sold out
  • Find out if it’s family friendly or not
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to book lodging
  • Take a friend

A con a month in 2014 PDF

Happy 2014 from Game on Girl!

We are so thankful for each and every one of you!



Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda

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