Play, Video Games

PAX Prime 13 – What’s Your Gamer Type Panel

Hooray! Thanks to the wonderful people at MMO Reporter, we have a complete video of the panel I moderated at PAX Prime this year. This is seriously exciting because we lost the audio for the panel so I wasn’t able to review it myself. Better, even, I get to review the question and answer section which is always my favorite part of presenting because the audience always comes up with the best questions that really get me thinking about things. How awesome is that?


I forgot at the end of the panel to reveal the gamer types of our panelists. So I’ll ask you all what you think: What gamer type is Aaron? Erik? Trisha?

So take a look and let me know what you think in the comments. If you haven’t done it already, make sure to take The Gamer Type Quiz to find out your own gamer type!

Until next time, game on!


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