Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Game Industry, Play

Episode 53 – Female Protagonists

Ripley-Leave+her+alone+you+bitchWe take on the role of female protagonists in this week’s episode, discussing a recent article by Carolyn Petit on Gamespot. In “Fear of a Woman Warrior,” Petit writes about how the new Aliens game was almost void of any playable female characters. We discuss the kind of impact missing female avatars might have on the game, especially given the Alien franchise’s history having kick ass female characters. Listen and let us know what you think about the article and our analysis of it.

We’ve got some really exciting events coming up in the near future! On Friday, March 22 at 5:30pm, we will be presenting at PAX East! Make sure to stop by and learn “What’s Your Gamer Type?” We have some pretty exciting stuff planned for our interactive hour.

We’re also making plans to participate in International Tabletop Day on March 30! I (Regina) will be at my favorite local game store, Cloud Cap Games, in Portland, OR, helping to organize a day of gaming fun and shenanigans. Come play against or with DocLizz.

Lastly, we did a VIDEO podcast with the guys over at ManDateMondays on Monday, March 4. We had a great time and a fabulous conversation about all kinds of fun gaming topics, including female characters and some of small details about our PAX East panel. Here is the video but make sure to follow to Falken1974 and TheBlackGl0ve on Twitter and subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda

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