Game on Girl Podcast, Geek, Podcast

Game on Girl S2E3 – Jaimie Cordero from Espionage Cosmetics

Greetings Geeks and welcome to another episode of Game on Girl!

My apologies for the lag in episode releases for Game on Girl. I came back with the best of intentions for monthly content on our podcast feed but as my favorite poet says, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” That’s certainly how the last few months have gone for me.

But I am back with a fantastic LIVE episode interviewing Jaimie Cordero from Espionage Cosmetics. We met up at Rose City Comic Con on September 8th. I attended Jaimie’s panel, Level Up: Be a Nerd Boss on Friday of the con. Hearing her speak on the panel left me with many of the questions you hear in the interview. Of particular note is the way that Jaimie runs much of her business like she would run a raid in the glory days of WoW and the Burning Crusade (B.C.) expansion.

Recording Live

Live episodes present their own challenges and this one is no exception. I was able to edit out some of the background noise and the interruptions we faced but the recording is still a bit rough. Thankfully, you can hear Jaimie and that’s the important part. She shares a truly personal story with us, one she admits she doesn’t share often and leaves us with such a great message. I am so thankful that she agreed to the interview. It was beyond the highlight of the con for me.

Espionage Swag

I was able to get some pretty cool stuff that just happened to be out of stock (!) on the site at the time. One of my favorite moments of this interview wasn’t recorded. When I sat down, Jaimie took one look at my nerd wrapped nails and said, “Oh you’re an OG fangirl.” I showed off my nails and she said, “I’ve been involved in every nail wrap run we’ve done for the company and I can tell you those wraps are five years old! It’s great to see they still hold up!”

And hold up they did. I wore the classic “Chainmail” wraps all weekend.


To Discuss

What is your best networking advice? What’s a difficult moment you’ve had in your life that shaped a big decision? Let me know on Twitter @doclizz.

Until next time, game on!
