Music, TV

If I Were a Rock Star: Songs We Would Make Legendary on NBC’s The Voice

A Gigawatt Jukebox  playlist

From Rockabilly to Reggae, Movie Scores to Soul, our Gigawatt Jukebox is out of control.  In true geek style, we submit a never-ending playlist that is not concerned with genre, popularity, or album release date.  

Who hasn’t dreamt of being a rock star…the power of your music surging energy into a roaring crowd?  With popular singing competition TV shows like The Voice, living the dream can actually happen.   After years of watching others sing their way into stardom, it got us thinking.  What would we do in their shoes?  What kind of voice would we belt if we could?  Which songs would we like to be famous for singing?  For the first time, members of the Geek Embassy galaxy come together to share a 4-part ensemble playlist.  We’ll kick it off the week with DocLizz.


My singing voice has been described as very warm which is a polite way of saying not particularly interesting. In my high school choir, I sang second or mezzo soprano which is a mid-range female voice. I longed to be a first soprano – a true soprano – to sing those lovely high notes that have been completely out of my range my entire singing life. You will see in my selections female voices with a lot of range, who can sing the highs and the lows with little complication. Some of this talent comes with training but some is just innate ability.


I’ll admit I attempt to sing this song whenever it shows up in the Zumba playlist but I do that knowing that no one can hear me jump between my lower and higher voice register in order to sing it. Clarkson is a powerhouse regardless of how high the notes are.


“Blackbird” is a dececptively simple song. It is sweet and light and carries you quickly off in its lovely harmony. Vocally it challenges with subtle shifts and movement. This really shows the range that McLachlan has always had since this was recorded early in her career.


It’s said Mariah Carey has a five octave range. Average range is two octaves. So naturally, she is making an appearance on this list. I am not fond of the “whistle voice” or extremely high notes placed in a singer’s head voice. That is why I selected Without You. It shows her range and ability without the wheezing notes. And I like sad songs.


Sia’s voice is haunting. She is able to drive so much emotion into every note and every syllable she sings. When I first saw this performance on Dancing with the Stars, I was in tears. Seeing it again brought chills immediately. This video contains two things I love: a dramatic voice and amazing dancing.

Tune in next Monday for Part 2 of this Series!

To Discuss

What kind of musical legend would you like to be?  Which songs would you rock?  Let us know in the comments!

Thanks for listening!  Check back regularly for newly added tunes.  

This complete Special Edition playlist and others are available on YouTube (click the link below): 
