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Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Gender

Episode 99 – Susana Polo from The Mary Sue

the-mary-sueWriter and editor Susana Polo from The Mary Sue joins us on the show this week. We have a great conversation about how The Mary Sue came about four years ago, the power of the internet to connect fandoms, and, of course, countless comic book heroes and heroines.

In our Gender Sells segment, we talk about Chevy driving, horse owning women, “Tips” from All State, and proof that booth babes don’t help product sales.

Give this episode a listen and let us know what you think in the comments!

Until next time, game on!

Regina & Rhonda

2 thoughts on “Episode 99 – Susana Polo from The Mary Sue”

  1. That was such a great point that Susana made about there needing to be more gay relationships in media that don't end in tragedy. It infuriates me to no end! Willow and Tara on Buffy are probably one of the most famous fictional lesbian relationships – at least, they were the only one I could name growing up – and, surprise! it ends badly.

    The part where Susana talked about tumblr made me giggle because I'm really not used to hearing about people talk about anime, fandoms, and tumblr outside of, you guessed… tumblr.

    Thank you for putting into words why that All State commercial gets on my nerves! I hate the stereotype that women get snippy when around other women.

  2. I often wonder if there is a subconscious thing going on with gay relationships in fiction where the writers unknowingly manifest the social feelings about homosexuality. I don't think that's the case with Willow and Tara, mostly because Joss Whedon is just not a fan of happy couples. I mean seriously. Dude's got it out for anyone that seems happy even for a moment! But it is a thought that crossed my mind.

    Reoccurring themes around relationships, like tragic gay love stories and even commercials where female friends cattily fight over the check undermine so much. It impacts how we think relationships SHOULD go and gives false ideas about how we should behave. I know it's just a commercial but seriously so annoying. Glad I could express your thoughts about it, too. 🙂

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