Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Game Industry, Gamers, Play

Episode 59 – Tom Eastman & Trinket Studios

We have an awesome show for you this week! We interview Tom Eastman fromTrinket Studios! Two of Trinket’s games were featured at PAX East this year, Color Sheep and Orion’s Forge. Listen to the interview for details about the creative process, launching a studio, and some insight into making mobile games. We mention the Woolson plushies during the episode. If you are tempted by adorable stuffed toys and pillows based on game characters, check out Valerie Schrag’s Etsy Store and get one for yourself (Woolson available May1st).

trinketLogoFullWhiteIn our pop culture segment we talk about The Big Bang Theory Season 6, episode 18, “The Contractual Obligation Implementation.”

Let us know what you think of the show and make sure to check out Color Sheep and Orion’s Forge! Warning: Both are highly addictive!

Until next time, game on!
Regina & Rhonda

2 thoughts on “Episode 59 – Tom Eastman & Trinket Studios”

  1. Thank you for coming to chat with us! We had a great time. We would love to have you on again. 🙂

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