Site Policies

Comment Policy

The Geek Embassy approves all comments before they are posted to the site. Our mission focuses on building community and it is imperative that all individuals feel comfortable commenting in this setting. The current climate around many of the topics we discuss is highly volatile and personal attacks too common. To keep this a positive space, we monitor all discussions. With that said, these ground rules for effective comments and discussion should help.

How to Engage Effectively in an Online Discussion

  1. Comment! All of our writers and content creators love reading your comments and hearing what you have to say about their writing and ideas. It’s exciting when someone takes the time to comment on a post. We try to respond as quickly as possible but keep in mind we are volunteers with day jobs so responses happen as soon as they can.
  2. Be brief. It is awesome if a post we share inspires many thoughts and ideas for you but it’s best in an online format to keep a comment on a post to one or two ideas. This will give the author and our community a place to focus in response.
  3. Be clear. Make sure your comment clearly expresses your thoughts and uses good grammar. It is easy to get caught up in the moment and think a comment you are posting is perfectly understandable but words and tone are open to interpretation and can easily be misread.
  4. Be respectful. Contributors to the site and the vast majority of humanity will hold differing opinions than you and will have a different lived experience. There is no reason to flame or attack anyone based on a difference of opinion. There is no room for discussion if the participants feel disrespected. With that said, comments containing hate speech and other personal attacks will not be approved.
  5. Be confident in your word choice. Language is your only tool in an online environment. Respect the power and weight each and every word carries.

Solicited Content Policy

The Geek Embassy does not accept solicited reviews for books, games, or crowdfunding campaigns. The content delivered here is written at the discretion of the ambassadors for the site. The views expressed in posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of The Geek Embassy as a whole. On occasion, we do accept review copies of games for discussion on the site — posts will clearly state the inclusion of comped materials. Lastly, we only promote events attended by our ambassadors.

Thank you for taking the time to read our site policies! The Geek Embassy is thankful you are part of our community!