Game on Girl Podcast, Movies, Podcast

Episode 91: 2014 Films and Wonder Woman on the Big Screen

WW Linda Carter by Dennis80 on DevitantArt

Starting with the newsworthy casting of Wonder Woman in the upcoming “Superman vs Batman” movie, we discuss the movies we are looking forward to in 2014. Our discussion is inspired by these two articles about the casting of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

Gal Gadot is History’s First Movie Wonder Woman” by Susana Polo with The Mary Sue.

I Still Don’t Want Zack Snyder’s Take on Wonder Woman” by Charlie Jane Anders with io9

Check out the links to all our recommendations here.

What do you think of the casting of Gadot as Wonder Woman?

What movies are you looking forward to in 2014?

Let us know in the comments and here’s to a 2014 filled with great flicks!

Until next time, game on!

Regina & Rhonda

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