My first ever anime convention was recently at Triad Anime Con, located in Winston-Salem, NC. The first thing I want to say is that I had a wonderful time and would definitely recommend the con to others. The second thing is that I am obviously no expert on conventions and, therefore, my opinion on the… Continue reading My First Anime Convention
Tag: manga
Manga Style — Chibi, Shoujo, Shounen
The Japanese manga style is broken down into three categories: Chibi, Shoujo, and Shounen. All of these terms also apply to anime. Chibi Chibi is used to portray extreme emotions or just to mix up animations styles a bit, generally as comic relief. Chibi characters have large heads, round cheeks, massive eyes, and are highly simplified.… Continue reading Manga Style — Chibi, Shoujo, Shounen
Your Guide To Getting Started With Anime and Manga
I’ve been reading manga since September 2014 and started on anime a year before that. I started watching anime because my friend explained the entire plot of Fullmetal Alchemist to me and I decided I needed to see it. What really drew me in was that I had never seen anything except content for children.… Continue reading Your Guide To Getting Started With Anime and Manga