Gamers, Play, Video Games

Your Favorite Thing Sucks: Bethesda

Hey, Geeks. Welcome to Your Favorite Thing Sucks, where I get to point out all the worst parts of your favorite things. Are you paying attention to E3? Because Bethesda has had announcements about Fallout 76, Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Doom Eternal, Starfield, Rage 2, Elder Scrolls VI, a mobile Elder Scrolls game, and a DLC for… Continue reading Your Favorite Thing Sucks: Bethesda

Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Conventions

Episode 149 – LIVE July Hangout

Hey Everyone! Here is our latest Google+ Hangout in both audio and video format. You can watch the video or listen to the episode here or on the YouTube page or Podbean feed. Thanks so much to the handful of you who watched the July Hangout live. We had a full house on air and… Continue reading Episode 149 – LIVE July Hangout

Game on Girl Podcast, Conventions, Podcast, Gender

Episode 67 – E3 Does it Again

Well it's that time of year. E3 happened last week. We recorded this episode shortly after some pretty controversial events happened at the Microsoft press conference. Listen to hear us discuss the power of language and how we should all be kinder to each other. Click here to see a transcript and a video of the… Continue reading Episode 67 – E3 Does it Again

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Game on Girl Podcast, Game Culture, Conventions, Game Industry, Podcast, Play

GoG Short #5 – Contrasting Female Images at E3

This week our short episode takes on the game industry and its marketing tactics. Specifically, Rhonda and I discuss the E3 trailers for these two games: Tomb Raider Crossroads and Far Cry 3. As many of you who have followed the site and my research already know, I am generally very celebratory about game culture.… Continue reading GoG Short #5 – Contrasting Female Images at E3