Play, Gaming How To's

The 10 Commandments of 7 Days to Die

I’ve been playing a lot of 7 Days to Die over the past couple of months. (In fact, I wrote an early release review of it that you can check out here.) 

One of the things that has struck me about 7 Days to Die is how in-depth the game is when it comes to surviving in it, so much so that shortly after I started playing I started taking notes and writing down little epiphanies that I had as I played.

In an effort to help people who are new to this game, I would like to share some thoughts I’ve gleaned as I’ve been running for my life from a throng of zombies.

Thou Shalt Always Be Gathering

Nearly everything that you find in 7 Days to Die has a purpose. As such, you should always be gathering items from the world. Most commonly, I am always picking up small stones. They are literally everywhere you go in-game and are used in a few very important crafting recipes. The nice thing about picking up stones is that you can do it even when you are running for your life.

Even though I say you should always be gathering.... 

Thou Shalt Prioritize

Be mindful of what you need most at all times and try to gather that class of items. Also, be thinking of what your secondary and tertiary needs are as well, and so on.

Thou Shalt Leave a Couple of Inventory Slots Open at All Times

Nothing sucks more in a game than when you find a good piece of loot and you don't have the inventory space to pick it up. This is compounded in 7 Days to Die when you have a zombieor twelvebearing down on you intent on making you a member of their undead club.

Game Culture, Play, Gaming How To's

Gaming Terminology Primer: Wrap Up

  Well, I think we're almost done here. I started this article series back in July thanks to my mother needing a little help understanding gamer speak. I’ve talked to her off and on over the course of this series and she's told me that she thinks it's helped her. I hope it's helped others… Continue reading Gaming Terminology Primer: Wrap Up

Game Culture, Play, Gaming How To's

Gaming Terminology Primer: Strategy games

I was originally introduced to the world of PC strategy games by way of Command and Conquer and spent many an hour on my mother's computer playing it. Today, I hope to teach you a bit about my second video game obsession — Strategy Games: A game genre where the player acquires resources or territory,… Continue reading Gaming Terminology Primer: Strategy games

Game Culture, Gaming How To's, Play

Gaming Terminology Primer: Shooters

Today we are going to tackle the genre of shooter games. This is the genre that pulled me hook, line, and sinker into the realm of online PC gaming. (In this instance “PC” means Personal Computer and not Player Character.) Shooter Games: A game genre where the player's avatar, either in first person or third… Continue reading Gaming Terminology Primer: Shooters

Game Culture, Play, Gaming How To's

Gaming Terminology Primer: Introduction

So, recently my mother started checking out Game on Girl. She's been gaming on PC since the good old days of Doom and Hexen. She still plays Diablo 2 from time to time, as well as various games on other platforms. She told me that she really liked my articles (thanks, Mom!), but that she… Continue reading Gaming Terminology Primer: Introduction

Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Play, Gaming How To's

Episode 77 – Gaming 101: Mobile Gaming

In honor of the release of Plants vs Zombies 2: It's About Time, we return to our gaming basics series and talk about all the details of mobile gaming. We discuss the many game genres that can be found on your smart phone or tablet, where and when you can find both of us mobile gaming,… Continue reading Episode 77 – Gaming 101: Mobile Gaming

Game on Girl Podcast, Game Culture, Podcast, Play, Gaming How To's

Episode 52 – Gaming 101: RPGs

Returning to our series discussing gaming basics, we talk about all you'd ever want to know about RPGs or Role Playing Games. We talk about the connections between tabletop and digital games, terms, and how and why we find this genre to be so compelling. Check it out to catch up on the terms we… Continue reading Episode 52 – Gaming 101: RPGs

Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Gaming How To's, Play

Episode 41 – Gaming 103: First Person Shooters (FPS)

FPS - First Person Shooters Here is the next installment of our Intro to Game Culture series: Gaming 103: First Person Shooters or FPS. We talk basic terms and concepts associated with one of our favorite genres and share some of our favorite games. Use this episode to help your non-gamer friends and family understand… Continue reading Episode 41 – Gaming 103: First Person Shooters (FPS)

Game on Girl Podcast, Game Culture, Podcast, Gaming How To's, Play

Episode 35 – Gaming 102: Tower Defense

Hello Everyone! This week we continue our gaming basics series and take on one of our favorite genres, Tower Defense games. We'll walk you through all the basics of this play style by discussing some of our favorite games. Included in the discussion: Tiny Heroes, Plants vs Zombies, Orcs Must Die (1&2) and Dragon's Rage 2. We'd love to hear… Continue reading Episode 35 – Gaming 102: Tower Defense