Hey, geeks. What’s happening? Today we’re going to talk about one of my favorite pastimes and how that’s changed — and how people’s perception of me has changed even when the pastime itself did not. Let’s talk video games. I’ve been playing video games since I was old enough to hold a controller. I distinctly… Continue reading Game On, Girls
Category: Harassment
Episode 80 – Public Shaming
Some interesting discussions popped up around the selection of this year's Miss America. Social networks were ablaze with this story from BuzzFeed which chronicled many racist Tweets about the crowing of Nina Davuluri, the first Indian-American to win the title. From there, Ben Kuchera at Penny Arcade and Alyssa Rosenberg from Think Progress posted responses to the idea that public shaming might be used as… Continue reading Episode 80 – Public Shaming
GoG Short #8 – Convergence Con & Women Gamers
In this week's short episode, we talk to Grethade, a member of NewbCast Gaming's podcast, about a panel discussing Women Gamers at Convergence Con in Bloomington, Minnesota. He reports how many of the same issues we talk about on the show were discussed, including how all gamers need to work together to stop harassment, and some male perspectives about playing… Continue reading GoG Short #8 – Convergence Con & Women Gamers