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Game on Girl Podcast, Podcast, Conventions

Episode 78 – PAX Prime & Dragon*Con 2013


DragonCon-logoThrough our exhaustion, we put together an episode detailing all the fun we had at cons on the same weekend but on opposite sides of the U.S. coast. Rhonda was at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, GA and I was at PAX Prime in Seattle, WA. Listen to hear all the great games we played, people we met, and stories we have to tell. We’d love to hear your con stories in the comments! What was your best story from a con this summer? Or your best ever?

2471010-13paxAlso, we have a new YouTube Channel where we will be sharing some fantastic footage from PAX and game reviews and game play tutorials as we create them! The channel is a work in progress and we would love your feedback on how to make it awesome. Make sure to subscribe!

Until next time, game on!

Regina & Rhonda

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